Alexander Rashedi

Second-year marketing student

I am a second-year marketing major, also pursuing a minor in professional selling. Due to prior high school credits, I will be graduating with the junior class in May 2026. Within my past two years at the University of Florida, I have focused on roles that exemplify my love of relationship-building and creative problem-solving. As a result of this ambition, I have taken on various work-related roles and leadership positions. Within Delta Sigma Pi, I was the VP of Marketing and am currently the VP of Alumni Relations. Last spring, I interned for a management company called JarJourCo and simultaneously took on the role of an extern for Beats by Dr. Dre. I am currently a marketing intern for UF Innovate, where I manage the brand and form relationships with in-house clients. I am looking forward to capitalizing on my prior experiences to innovate within future internship roles in sales or marketing.
linkedin logoResume
Artist Scout Intern, JarJourCo, Spring 2024; Marketing Intern, UF Innovate, Fall 2024